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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Even the best instruction will not suffice if the student does not show good judgment. The student must always be making a series of judgmental decisions at every phase of flight. These decisions are made, just as while driving constantly and instantaneously. This ability to judge is an intangible but essential part of living and flying safely. What can you do to apply good judgment to flying?

1. Learn by the highest application of knowledge. That is, learn from the experience of others. Read, listen, and ask questions.

2. Fly with other pilots at every opportunity. What you learn not to do is just as important as learning what to do.

3. Gain your experience a little bit at a time. A few 100-mile flights are better than one across the country.

4. Keep studying, learning and flying. Long pauses in studying, learning and flying are quite wasteful of time and money.

5. Don't hurry a new aircraft checkout. Two flights are much better than one. Develop your own checklist.


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Important Side Notes
ol li The Law of Firsts Haviland #39;s quot;The first time you do you shouldn #39;t have...

Thinking Through Patterns
P Depending on the student or airport weather conditions I will use paper diagrams and walk through the patterns on the ramp I will illustrate turns about...

Take Practical Test
FAR 61 105 and 61 125 BR Private or commercial pilot must receive and have logged ground as well as flight training from authorized instructor or a home study...

Growing Up As A Pilot
It takes more than time to grow and mature as a pilot Judgment cannot be measured just by time but by the number of successful ...

Keeping Anger in its Place
P What turns a student the wrong direction can be the sudden onset of a series of failures The myriad of emotional reactions; anxiety panic ...

Night Accidents
1 Night emergency landings are 1 5 times as likely to result in a fatality BR 2 7 of flying is...

Self-Doubt is Normal
B Every so often the instructor finds a student who is going through a phase of flying that is very disturbing to the student...

Cruise Control
P Learning to trim for level flight requires that you think in terms of setting as many constants as possible for a given flight situation First ...

About Questions
P A friend was hauling a body from a remote location in Canada Only a caretaker was around the strip After considering the trees that lined...

About Accidents
Use of shoulder harnesses in all seats will reduce major injuries by 88 and fatalities by 20 Retro fit harness kits are...

Private Pilot Endorsements
An instructorís endorsement indicates that he feels you have been instructed in and are competent to perform a given maneuver At that time Your logbook is a legal document...

Fitting The Hood
P The hood should be fitted prior to engine start Note that the attitude indicator has both a wings level and a level index mark at its...

Ground Radio to Taxi
P Never transmit on the radio without practicing what to say while holding the microphone to your lips It does no good to practice without the microphone...

First Flight Preparations
P 1 Schedule aircraft instructor BR 2 Aircraft keys BR 3 Read Owner #39;s Manual BR 4 ...

Ground Reference
Turns around a point BR B 600 to 1000 feet 45 degree bank U U 100 feet U...

Bits and Pieces
ul li Tolerance to lack of oxygen decreases proportionately with age BR li Patience is one...

Instruction use of MS Flight Simulator
I can MS Simulator be a helpful for my flight training i p At the end of WWII I was...

1997 Nall Report
li An accident as a judgment failure BR li Pilots only spot one third of ATC traffic reported as significant BR...

Minimum Controllable
No maneuvers below 1500í BR Stall horn whimpering at all times BR Power added as required to hold altitude in 10 degree maximum banks BR ...

The Competence of Incompetence
With the advent of a new study as to what constitutes competence there is a new fear by the self assured that they may be among ...

Notes On Learning
Learning to fly was still the greatest adventure of life The inner process of learning to do so many different tasks in a context...

Initially the ground instruction begins with basic background and theory The flight lesson is predicated by the use of preflight and Postflight briefings...

Practical Test Standards
NOTE: All of the PTS material is greatly expanded in the instructional learning material BR New Specifics: FONT BR VFR minimums in...

Coffee causes dehydration 15 dehydration causes 40 decrease in flying coordination Water by volume X 1 5 is needed to replace ...

What You Know, Gets In The Way of What You Don't Know
The learning law of #39;Primacy #39; is what makes developing proper habits first build the foundation for what you will do when under stress...

Changing You
P You begin flying with an attitude that may or may not be compatible to the reality required Attitude is a basic human factor that sets performance...

Pre-start/Start Checklist
P Once in the aircraft we begin the pre start tape recording Seats doors window open belts FAR 91 107 requires the pilot ...

Society of Automotive Engineers
In 1917 the SAE had an Aeronautical Division which diagrammed and identified the stick controls and rudder used to control aircraft Altitude ...

Light Series
P The light gun is used by ATC towers in the event of radio failure to move and sequence aircraft In general all GREEN signals ...

Viva la Difference
Where male and female students are similar: BR Individual differences of greater importance BR Learning differences more related...

Nice To Know Information
ul li Multiply horsepower by 09 to give gallons per hour consumption with safety factor BR li Most aircraft...

Short Field Takeoff
P The procedure requires performance that results in the shortest ground roll and the steepest angle of climb Two beginning options are available with little advantage going...

Where's The Problem?
When an instructor becomes upset over a student #39;s performance the student could well consider that the problem lies with the instructor An...

Statistics As of October 2001
ul li If you are rushed for time you are eleven times more likely to make a mistake than if you have ample...

MEL Decision Sequence
P The pilot recognizes inoperative instruments or equipment P P B Question: B P P...

Training Attitudes
A casual approach to flying can be hazardous Flying requires considerable planning and rethinking of the options as the flight progresses The midset...

Soft Field
In ground effect to Vy remove flaps at 200í BR Climb at Vy 10 and 5 knots ...

Before Takeoff Check
Emergency procedures review BR Door belts smoke engine BR POH distances and performance BR Departure plan review BR Clearing BR...

IFR Rated Pilot
ul li 1 accident in 4 459 hours in IFR conditions BR li 1 accident in 61 900 hours in...

Markings symbols colors local rules BR Diagram ...

Unusual Attitudes
P During the proficiency phase of hood work #39;unusual attitudes #39; should be practiced This means that you will put on the hood close his...

Pilot in Command Time
There are five different ways to get logable pilot in command PIC time according to FAR 61 51 c 2 BR BR ...

1998 Nall Report
li B VFR flight into IFR conditions is the leading source of fatalities Judgment failures are the cause BR ...

The Practical Test
Determines if applicant has had required instruction BR Determines if applicant can safely perform required tasks BR BR The practical test is a two...

Are You FARs Ready?
Requirements of 61 87 logged as satisfactory proficiency and safety BR Review of logbook entries insures compliance with long term requirements BR Recent sign offs...

1 One gear up landing occurs on average every day in the U S 5 of retractable accidents are gear up landings BR ...

FAR 61.43 Flight Tests
a Perform pilot operations BR 1 Executing maneuvers within performance capability and limitations including use of the aircraft #39;s systems BR ...

P Most aircraft have single axis trim for the elevator Airliners have three axis trim for the elevator rudder and ailerons Trim is used to...

Introduction to The Radio
P I introduce the ATIS frequency 124 7 the alphabetical sequencing order of information during the day and how to use this information ...

P Human performance is mitigated by physical stresses such as fatigue fitness sleep food age and illness Psychological stressors such as personal family...

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