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Pilot in Command Time

Pilot in Command Time There are five different ways to get logable pilot in command (PIC) time according to FAR 61.51(c)(2)

1. Sole manipulator of the controls in an aircraft rated for.
2. Sole occupant of aircraft
3. Certified Flight Instructor acting as CFI
4. Applies to ATPs
5. Applies to two pilots required for aircraft

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Performance Sheet ASEL
Compute weight and balance with gross takeoff weight___________ Center of gravity location ________ BR Gross landing weight __________ Center of gravity location _________ BR Shift weight...

Fuel Accidents
ul li The number one cause of engine failure is lack of fuel BR li 10 of General Aviation accidents are caused...

Spatial Disorientation
P Spatial disorientation is the No 1 cause of military fatal accidents Even the best pilot will become disoriented under the right conditions Effects on...

Hundred Octane Aviation Fuel
Interestingly of all machines only airplanes have their own fuel BR BR In the late 1930s light weight and compact engines were being developed...

Crosswind Takeoff
P The crosswind takeoff requires some timing skills that are not present in other landings On full power application the yoke is held full over into the...

Command Authority
FAR 91 3: quot;The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation ...

Flight Instruction/Proficiency Requirement
FAR 61 107 a flight proficiency BR I certify that I have given name the flight instruction required by FAR 61 107 a 1...

Light Series
P The light gun is used by ATC towers in the event of radio failure to move and sequence aircraft In general all GREEN signals ...

Military Training Routes (MTR)
P If you find that your flight will intersect an MTR route be sure to have P P the FSS run a...

Trim instruction
P The direction to move the trim and the proper instructional words to use are a common source of confusion Raising the trim wheel lowers the nose...

P Beware of false sensations Your inner ear will give you feelings that are overpowering With low time under the hood you must avoid attempting to...

It's About Time
A sailing ship #39;s speed over a nautical a mile was historically measured by means of a knotted knots rope tied to a log...

Operation of Airplane Systems
P I FONT SIZE quot; 1 quot; REFERENCES: C 61 21 AC61 23 FONT Airplane Handbook and Flight Manual I ...

Spiral Descents
P This particular maneuver is the most difficult of the ground reference maneuvers It requires that the student descend over a selected point such as the...

Spins Were A One Time Thing In 1914
An unheralded aviation pioneer is British scientist F A Lindemann quot;The Prof quot; as he was known led a very ...

Coffee causes dehydration 15 dehydration causes 40 decrease in flying coordination Water by volume X 1 5 is needed to replace ...

Why Ground Reference?
P One of the weakest parts of flight instruction is the failure of the instructor to let the student know the #39;why #39; of some of the...

Slow Flight
No maneuvers below 1500í BR 1 2 Vs1 at 10 and 5 knots BR Altitude within 100í and airspeed within 10 and ...

Yoke Control
P The third skill of taxiing is the use of the yoke which needs to be positioned so that a wind gust will not flip the airplane over...

Mountain Accidents
li 40 more than in flatlands BR li 155 higher at some airports ...

More on Mid-Airs
ul li Over half of the people involved in midair accidents were survivors BR li The probability of a...

Radio Q-History
The Q codes were developed when communications wasn #39;t as good as now and Morse code was till the norm BR It...

My First Month As A Student Pilot
H4 Week 1 H4 P FONT SIZE quot; 1 quot; Monday: Rain BR Tuesday: Rain BR ...

Side Notes
1 The Law of Firsts Haviland #39;s quot;The first time you do you shouldn #39;t have The first time you don #39;t...

Fixed Gear Accidents
ul li 1 in 7 accidents result in a fatality in fixed gear aircraft BR li 8 of 10 fixed gear accidents...

Instructional Constants
A number of constants have been recommended Constants while not the only way to fly simplify the complexities of maneuvering an...

One CFI + One CFI = Problems
One several occasions I have flown with both experienced and inexperienced CFI for a number of reasons In practically every instance peculiar things have...

Buying the Farm
In the `20s #39; barnstormers would travel the countryside to small cities and set up an quot;airplane ride quot; concession from some farmer #39;s field The pilot...

Uncontrolled Airport Radio
P Start listening well away from the airport Overfly above pattern altitude if you are uncertain of pattern or procedures Adhere to AIM recommended procedures ...

P The two downwind and two upwind turns of the S turn combine the four quadrants of the left and right turns about a point The technique...

Landings on Final
Over the fence Vref U U 5 knots or 1 2 Vso No exact POH figures BR B Soft field Approach...

Pre-start/Start Checklist
P Once in the aircraft we begin the pre start tape recording Seats doors window open belts FAR 91 107 requires the pilot ...

About Questions
P A friend was hauling a body from a remote location in Canada Only a caretaker was around the strip After considering the trees that lined...

Normal Category is a certification category This category has a maximum G loading of 3 8 G #39;s positive G #39;s 1 52...

Crash Survival
#1 survival item is to let a responsible person know where you are going your route and ETA Insurance is to make contact after arrival ...

Aviator's Lies
ul li The weather will be all right BR li We will be on time maybe even early BR ...

Thinking Through Patterns
P Depending on the student or airport weather conditions I will use paper diagrams and walk through the patterns on the ramp I will illustrate turns about...

Power-off Stalls
No lower that 1500 #39; BR Stabilized approach landing configuration full flaps BR Stall induced in back side of the power curve and heading ...

Failed Teaching
The most dangerous aspect of flying and flight instruction is that the FAA Part 91 system lets incompetents fly and get sweetheart proficiency checks just...

Buchannan Field (at Concord, California)
Within the immediate vicinity of Buchannan Field Concord CA there have been over seven airports over the years One of the very first...

FAA Instructional Format
FAA instruction is based on early 1900 educational theory and practice Most learning is visual but requires repetition and reinforcement for adequate retention ...

Pilot in Command TimeUnusual Attitude Recoveries
Nose up Recover with pitch down add power level wings BR Nose down Recover with reduced power level wings pitch to level ...

Good Instruction
Communication BR Knowledge and ability to explain BR Ability to demonstrate BR Patience BR Motivation...

Permanent Records
P Total time on airframe engine propeller since last overhaul of items required to be overhauled P P Status...

Applicant Summary
You must have an application for a rating form FAA Form 8710 1 a waiver form as required a medical certificate and radio license for foreign...

Spins - A History
An unheralded aviation pioneer is British scientist F A Lindemann The Prof as he was known led a very checkered...

Forced Landings
li If altitude permits glide range may be increased if propeller is stopped BR li Speed half way between best rate...

Aborted Takeoff
P once is enough BR It is all too common to have a seat slide back during initial takeoff acceleration For this reason the...

Tie Down
P Given a choice of where to tie down always face into the wind A crosswind tie down means that the aircraft will be trying to ...

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